by Moe45673
1) Our first learning (family) game. Wife was focusing more on building pastures while I grew my family and got major improvements.If she goes first in a round and has 2 workers and I have 3, does that mean it goes Her - Me - Her - Me - Me? ie, I take two turns in a row?
2) We did harvest as in:
Take one crop from each field
Feed family (two food per family. Convert resources to food as needed)
In that last harvest, I took 1 of my 5 cows which I converted to 4 food. I then did breeding later (went from 4-5 cows).
The rules state you can never kill an animal during breeding, the new animal always runs away. Why is this an issue with 3+ animals? Why not foresee this happening; eg (With a cooking hearth) I have maxed out my animal spaces for sheep in my 2 space pasture and the baby lamb in the next phase will run away, may as well kill one of the sheep now. By the end of the harvest, it's a choice of between 4 sheep and no food or 4 sheep and 3 food.
Some clarification?