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Reply: Battle Beyond Space:: Rules:: Re: Questions! (mainly about powers)


by fbranham

JFarceur wrote:

Thank you for your time, and complete answers! :-)

Will you make a FAQ with all the questions/answers you've been receiving?

Definitely. I also need to finish my series on painting the game (for which I need to finish unpacking to find my paints.) So forgive me in terms of how long that takes.

Earther special power: "Once per game, one of your fighters can self destruct."

Ok, so we should not be able to self destruct in an opponent's turn either.

My thinking was that if my fighter carries a bomb like that, it didn't needed a button to be pressed in order to explode, but more like "if the ships blows off, the bomb also explodes". I understand you meant this as an "attack", and not a trap/reaction or something.

Death Blossom only works when you push the button.

So... if the "central asteroid" is destroyed (i.e. : into a capital ship) ... nobody gets the points? That's why I thought the "central asteroid" should be considered different.

Which hasn't happened yet. I would count the spaces around the destroyed asteroid as the VP spaces. (You can try to pick through the fragments in hope of finding something.)

fbranham wrote:

I think I'm following the train of logic. The intent of adding the "asteroid crashed into undamaged cap ship" is as you describe. I want everything in the game to do one point of damage, and so it takes two "things" to kill a cap ship. (Death Blossom and the MegaWeapon are two exceptions as they do their damage on a per-hex basis).

The rules that restrict capital ships running into asteroids and other capital ships have four intended reasons:

1. You cannot suicide a capital ship without giving the points to another player.
2. Only one thing sits on a hex when you are done colliding.
3. We never do the Robo Rally push/shove thing (that feels a bit wrong to me, and leads to a fairly complex set of situations I did not want to bury the game in details around.
4. We avoid running into another cap ship because you get a few extra rules describing the various situations. Plus with that rule, cap ships were running into each other all of the time, as it is easy to do.

I have another question.

In that case, does "partial cover" counts? I took some minutes to assemble this *haherm* magnificient example :

In these cases, when "partial cover" occurs, can the Capital ship (the grey platypus) fire at one of the targets? The situation arised, and we ruled that it was allowed, but I wanted your call on that.

Thanks again for your answers!

Nice example pic. Mind if I steal it for the FAQ?
Both shots are legal and hit their targets. The rules kind of cover this by saying that the target does not have to be in a straight line. All you need to hit something with a capital ship two hexes away is an intervening empty hex.

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