Thread: Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan:: General:: Missing a red...
by TooOld4Games2 Moral of the story (not that I listen to myself): Don't wait too long to inventory a game that you purchase!So, yes, I purchased MP II over 4 years ago, and played it for the first...
View ArticleReply: Troyes:: General:: Re: New version coming to crowdfunding in 2026?...
by Bobobob598jeannedarc wrote:Yuhzeed wrote:Troyes has my favorite board game art and I wish it wouldn't change, but like Seb said in the interview if you want to add more stuff, it can't have...
View ArticleReply: Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan:: General:: Re: Missing a...
by jujulautre Here's an image of all the contracts from boardgamearena:'s 12 contracts of value 5, so I guess that's one of them.
View ArticleReply: Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan:: General:: Re: Missing a...
by TooOld4Games2jujulautre wrote:Here's an image of all the contracts from boardgamearena:'s 12 contracts of value 5, so I guess...
View ArticleReply: Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan:: General:: Re: Missing a...
by jujulautre Fwiw, I checked mine and also have the 1 camel + 6 any resource for 5 points and 1 shield as duplicate.
View ArticleReply: Carcassonne:: General:: Re: Finding the 1st Edition
by kothmann You could also keep an eye on Lots of first edition stuff offered for reasonable prices from time to time.
View ArticleReply: Agricola:: General:: Re: Custom farmyards for Agricola
by tumorous Yes, Goodies did include Agricola: The 5 Designer Boards:
View ArticleReply: Troyes:: General:: Re: New version coming to crowdfunding in 2026?...
by Shader10Bobobob598 wrote:jeannedarc wrote:Yuhzeed wrote:Troyes has my favorite board game art and I wish it wouldn't change, but like Seb said in the interview if you want to add more stuff, it...
View ArticleReply: A Feast for Odin:: Rules:: Re: Ships Use
by Gernial Emigration and mainly helper for trading+fishing+plundering+exploring actions. Some occupations trigger too.With the artisan sheds from Norwegians a first use by placing it started a new way...
View ArticleReview: Fairy Tale:: The Purge: #4832 Fairy Tale: The first great drafting...
by william4192 Please check out my other reviews at: Fairy Tale was one of the first card drafting games to be released. This...
View ArticleReply: Dungeon Petz:: General:: Re: Free 3D Printer Insert for Game+Expansion
by metalbag No, It was not designed to have the pets in vertical way.
View ArticleReply: The Lord of the Rings: Fate of the Fellowship:: General:: Re: Preview?
by gozilla2121 No playthrough video yet….I hope they will make one before the release date.
View ArticleReply: Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island:: Rules:: Re:...
by TonS I noticed this difference between rulebook and character sheet of the soldier also.Is there an official ruling how to solve this?
View ArticleReply: Neuroshima Hex:: General:: Re: 3.0: Which army ref card?
by LienRag99> Why do some of the units don't have icons or tiles...INDEED, all along i hesitated between 2 strategies; corrected. Cannibalize, i persist for _no_, as i consider it is a summary of...
View ArticleReply: Neuroshima Hex:: General:: Re: 3.0: Which army ref card?
by metaponeLienRag99 wrote:>Space between icons and text are inconsistent. NOPE, can't do anything about that (even if i too don't like it). It is due to the Justify effect, and the fact that icons...
View ArticleReply: Agricola:: General:: Re: Custom farmyards for Agricola
by play2times This is just artwork. These boards doesn't change anything.As far as I know there are no asymmetrical boards for Agricola.But you can buy them if you are willing to pay these prices.
View ArticleBGG Most Voted Board Games ★★★ Reiner Knizia
by Igor LarchenkoThe visualization shows "Fans Also Like" connections between Reiner Knizia' board games and titles of 10 ★ the most voted gams (download full map pdf). The list shows Top 100 ☆ games,...
View ArticleFirst Impressions January – February 2025
by Anthony BallCarcassonneI had my first play of this classic game after 8 years in the hobby this past month with a couple of expansions added, including the river to get a bigger map at the start of...
View ArticleReply: Star Wars: The Clone Wars:: General:: Re: These minis are a lot of fun...
by ehmschmidt Great job painting. I did some variations to my battle droids.
View ArticleRanking my board game collection per shelf - part 30
by Van For shelf 29 - hereShelf 30 is the last shelf of the big box games. Embarcadero, Constantinopolis, Fjords and Tigris & EuphratesEmbarcadero is a very… peculiar game. It’s an interesting...
View ArticleMy Brother’s Top 5 Games of All Time
by The Meeple DigestIntroductionTo switch things up this week, I thought it would be fun to get my brother on the blog. We grew up playing board games together and both got into modern board gaming...
View ArticleReply: Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island:: Rules:: Re:...
by Murr Shuffle the deck before hunting every time is how I'd do it. This is minor and doesn't really need an "official ruling" per se.
View ArticleReply: At the Gates of Loyang:: General:: Re: What changes are you looking...
by Jay_1 I just hope they keep the wooden vegetable bits. I would not purchase the new version if it only came with cardboard chits. Also, maybe give us enough wooden pieces so you can start with any...
View ArticleReply: Fairy Tale:: Reviews:: Re: The Purge: #4832 Fairy Tale: The first...
by kaziam I purged Fairy Tale ages ago, mostly because it is clunkier than 7 Wonders due to the splitting of the drafting and playing phases, adding a procedural step to what should be a breezy, snappy...
View ArticleReply: Luna:: General:: Re: Why Is This Game Less Popular?
by alandricColtsFan76 wrote:Not sure and don't care! I like the game a lot. But having said that, I think some of the concepts were better implemented in Bonfire.Gonna have to disagree here 😂. I hated...
View ArticleReply: Fairy Tale:: Reviews:: Re: The Purge: #4832 Fairy Tale: The first...
by Mike A It being lighter than 7 Wonders is one of the things I've always liked about it. 7 Wonders feels bloated by comparison - it's fine, but I'd rather play Fairy Tale.
View ArticleReply: Targi:: Variants:: Re: Targi: The Unofficial Box (Print and Play)
by xbigtk13xInsaneCat wrote:ErrataThank you for the feedback. I will throw a card in my queue to comb through and apply the fixes in the future. I have a lot of other projects underway, so it will be a...
View ArticleReply: Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan:: General:: Re: Missing a...
by RelaxTooOld4Games2 wrote:I assume it should have come with 42 unique tiles.I'm not saying you're wrong, but why do you assume this?
View ArticleReply: Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island:: Rules:: Re:...
by mounteerie To minimize upkeep, I shuffle all the Beast cards before play and almost never shuffle them again (aside from some edge case scenarios, like if I had previously been able to view the top...
View ArticleReply: Fairy Tale:: Reviews:: Re: The Purge: #4832 Fairy Tale: The first...
by FlyingArrow This, 7 Wonders, and Sushi Go all have their respective pros/cons.
View ArticleReply: Fall of Rome:: Rules:: Re: Revolt or Hand Limit first?
by enochchan Thanks for the answer. Will follow the step of "resolve Revolt first, then reduce to 7 cards after"
View ArticleReply: Fall of Rome:: Rules:: Re: Revolt or Hand Limit first?
by enochchan I got curious now that you mentioned the other version of Pandemic. I copied the wording on Hand Limit below, in case anyone else interested too.Pandemic:"If you ever have more than 7...
View ArticleReply: Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan:: General:: Re: Missing a...
by TooOld4Games2Relax wrote:TooOld4Games2 wrote:I assume it should have come with 42 unique tiles.I'm not saying you're wrong, but why do you assume this?Of course, it's now pretty certain that this...
View ArticleReply: Troyes:: General:: Re: New version coming to crowdfunding in 2026?...
by Bobobob598Shader10 wrote:Bobobob598 wrote:jeannedarc wrote:Yuhzeed wrote:Troyes has my favorite board game art and I wish it wouldn't change, but like Seb said in the interview if you want to add...
View ArticleAdd Some Soy Sauce To That Board Game!
by Ben MYoutube VideoI'm still having fun exploring weird and strange topics on Table Scraps. Paul and I had dinner plans at a local sushi spot, and it got me thinking - what if games were sushi? Why?...
View ArticleReply: Troyes:: General:: Re: New version coming to crowdfunding in 2026?...
by spinacci I think what Sebastien (one of the designers of the game) is saying is that having two different art styles in the game probably won't look good aesthetically. So, as you said, it just...
View ArticleReply: Troyes:: General:: Re: New version coming to crowdfunding in 2026?...
by Bobobob598 Similar art could certainly be drawn. I mean, it's not the same animators over all the years of The Simpsons. (Exlcuding the 1st yr or 2 befoee the designs were fine tuned.)
View ArticleReply: Fairy Tale:: Reviews:: Re: The Purge: #4832 Fairy Tale: The first...
by william4192kaziam wrote:I purged Fairy Tale ages ago, mostly because it is clunkier than 7 Wonders due to the splitting of the drafting and playing phases, adding a procedural step to what should be...
View ArticleReply: Fairy Tale:: Reviews:: Re: The Purge: #4832 Fairy Tale: The first...
by william4192Mike A wrote:It being lighter than 7 Wonders is one of the things I've always liked about it. 7 Wonders feels bloated by comparison - it's fine, but I'd rather play Fairy Tale.Neither are...
View ArticleReply: Fairy Tale:: Reviews:: Re: The Purge: #4832 Fairy Tale: The first...
by william4192FlyingArrow wrote:This, 7 Wonders, and Sushi Go all have their respective pros/cons.Agreed.
View ArticleReply: Troyes:: General:: Re: New version coming to crowdfunding in 2026?...
by YuhzeedBobobob598 wrote:Shader10 wrote:Bobobob598 wrote:jeannedarc wrote:Yuhzeed wrote:Troyes has my favorite board game art and I wish it wouldn't change, but like Seb said in the interview if you...
View ArticleReply: Carcassonne:: General:: Re: Finding the 1st Edition
by Yuhzeed Around this time last year I hunted down the first edition and the first editions of expansions 1-9. It was difficult but worth it. I fit them all inside the main game box using the broken...
View ArticleEverything in its place (and a place for everything)
by Anthony Boydell Not expecting too much of the local community on a quiet (early) Spring Friday, I shut up the main bit an hour early and scooted to The Upstairs Room for a bit of reworking:The...
View ArticleFile: Neuroshima Hex:: Zerg Starcraft army
by MarthMaul666 New File: Zerg Starcraft army for Board Game: Neuroshima Hex
View ArticleGame Mechanics ★★★ Race
by Igor LarchenkoThe visualization shows "Fans Also Like" connections between board games with Race mechanics and titles of 10 ★ BGG the most voted games ( full map pdf). The next lists shows Top 100 ☆...
View ArticleFile: Carcassonne:: 1-Page Carcassonne Tile Cheatsheet for Base Game +...
by bkafsack New File: 1-Page Carcassonne Tile Cheatsheet for Base Game + Expansions 1-3 for Board Game: Carcassonne
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