by Lines42
navajas wrote:
You think Claustrophobia is "lighter" than Space Hulk?! In my opinion Space Hulk is just about as shallow as a "war game" can get.
I never experienced Space Hulk is shallow. Play two games against an experienced Space Hulk player and you´ll see how much tactics and excitement you can put in this game.
Of course you cannot compare it to a 40 page rulebook skirmish tabletop war game. Or Earth Reborn.
I never missed more depth when playing SH but after reading through the Claustrophobia rules I already asked myself "Is that all?". Claustrophobia is a nice little family game but comning from Space Hulk and Tabletops I really miss more options.
Space Hulk (3rd Edition) rules are 20 pages plus 12 Missions.
Claustrophobia (without expansion) are 13 pages rules plus 8 Scenarios.
And yes, we´re off topic here ;-)