by sargonkid
Hello,It is usually very easy for me to decide what games to buy for the wife and I to play by reading about the game, BGG feedback, reviews, and what-not.
However, I am having a really hard time figuring this game out. My wife loves games like Arkham Horror, Super Dungeon Explore, Descent 2 (yes, Descent 2!), Mansions of Madness, and others. We are usually not put off by "Fiddly" games as long as they are fun.
My question is, is this game any more fiddly than say, Arkham Horror? Even Super Dungeon Explore can be quite fiddly, but we enjoy BOTH of these games tremendously.
Also, between this game and DL, which is better for 2 player?
Any comments or inputs would be greatly appreciated.