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Reply: Dungeon Petz:: General:: Re: Is it good with 2?


by fardoche

sargonkid wrote:

zrobin wrote:

delalaym wrote:

Salut Fardoche! :-)

C'est super le fun a deux. La seule chose qui change, c'est que certains "imps" bloquent des actions differentes a chaque tour. J'aime mieux ca que quand on doit jouer un dummy player. La, ca va vite. On a seulement a bouger les imps "neutres" a chaque tour.

in french noone can understand you !

My French is quite rusty (born if France, left when I was 12 to the US (40 years ago)) - so please forgive me if I translate this wrong. But the best I can tell, he said:

Hi Theophilus! :-)

It's great fun for two. The only thing that changes is that some "imps" block different actions each round. I'd like it better when [played with] a dummy player. The [game?] goes fast. We only move the "neutral" imps each round.


Actually he says he likes it better when NOT played with a dummy.

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