by sargonkid
freddieyu wrote:
sargonkid wrote:
Dave wrote:
...I think the better question is whether you would find it fun, as it's of a very different nature than the games you mention.
Good point! While we have played (and liked) other style games like Agracola, Dominion, and others, are favorites are more Tactical Fighting, (co-op and not co-op), and fantasy fighting/survival.
That said, I am still very interested in this game and think we should consider giving it a shot. The fact that is has "Petz" in the name, really intrigues the wife!
Thank You!
- SK
just be warned..those Petz can really misbehave when you do not want them be prepared for tantrums and lot of poop!!!
...and this is different than my wife's IRL dog, how? :D