by FrankLJ
I think that 'morning noon and night' is just the designers way of making the deck reshuffles more interesting that the '1st 2nd and 3rd' deck markers of earlier editions.If you change the 'time' with every draw, it means things get more perilous each day, then re-set when you come back to morning. That is at least as strange as riding on a camel all over the world and having it still be morning. Note that even with the suggested change you are still (often) going half-way across a continent before the sun sets.
I always took the 'morning noon and night' counters to be allegorical.
As to say 'Now is the morn of your endeavours - but see! all too soon comes the night - fulful ye your destiny while ye may'.
A good way to solve all these 'passage of time' questions is to have a beer:
"Yesterday This Day's Madness did prepare;
To-morrow's Silence, Triumph, or Despair:
Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why:
Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where."