madhatter wrote:
Howitzer_120mm wrote:
Don't forget, you should be getting VPs for tech advances (the first player to get that tech).
We didn't forget that part. In a 4-player game, each sector will have 2, 2, 1, 1 of the four types of planets. Since everybody settled their starting sector, that meant we each got 1 - 4 VP's. Then that was it. So, until any skirmishing happened, only ~10 VP's (of 40) were out of the pool.
The thing I really love about this game is that it doesn't take lots of turns to settle a far planet - just one flick. Once your group learns the benefits of getting teches (once you get it, you keep it, even if you later lose the research centers), both in VPs and the 3rd and 4th level tech awesomeness, as well as the bonus points for cities in multiple sectors, that might encourage them to branch out a bit from their home sector.