by korek
Evil Brother wrote:
You have gotten it the wrong way round. You order your Charge action as normal and at that point Excite allows you to place an additional order to get a boosted effect (an extra die in shooting/engagement).
You will use at least two order tokens: One on the charging unit and one on the unit with Excite.
Thanks, it makes sense now.
I am however still confused if all this takes place in one turn? I mean placing the order(s) on charging/shooting unit AND on unit (actually - Shaman) with Excite Trait?
So, basing on the above, Galvanize should look like: Place the order token(s) to Charge on some Unit and at the same time place the order token(s) on Shaman to activate Special Trait - Galvanize?
I am confused due to the wording (page 9 in English ruleset): "A Unit can use Order Tokens to perform one of the following actions: 1. 2. Charge 3. 4. 5. 6. Use a Special Trait