by Randor20
MhidDa wrote:
Yeah, I read the priorities. My concern was that every time we had an adjacent scenario that applied, the event card didn't have directional symbols on so the NPCs didn't move at all regardless of priorities. Which begs the priorities only apply for ships who are represented for moving on the event card?
And there just might be games, where the NPC's won't get activated to hunt you. From what I remember half the events are NPC's and half have move orders. Then half of those have a specific nation/pirate on them, so it can be an okay gamble to get near an NPC (with "only" 25% chance that he'll go hunting for you). Of course there are also Glory cards that can move NPC's one sea-zone and the effect of a battle in the start of the game can be quite big. And that is either way - last game I tried to send a pirate frigate after someone in the start only to have her take over the frigate and win the game :D (she had just played "Mutiny" on me, so I was not the bully).