T1m0thy wrote:
We have also introduced another character, The Witch! If you turn her over then you lose 2 gold at the end of the round (but before anyone steals gold). This causes some interesting situations as players may lead their team mates to the Witch to try and get ahead on gold, so it adds even more suspicion to the game!
We also play that if you reach two cards at the same time then the current player decides which order to turn them over in. So if the cards were the Gold and the Dragon, a miner would win if they turn over the Gold first.
The witch: First, I couldn't understand it, as I was thinking about a new role card, but as a goal card, it makes sense. I will draw a nice Witch card to download. Look out for Saboteur IV where the same idea is used.
Thanks for your suggestion about reaching 2 goal cards simultaneously. From now on, it becomes a standard rule.