by Cantalopian
robinz wrote:
Cantalopian wrote:
Given the Itar Ability - can I split power tokens into the Gaia area and area III - then use the Gaia tokens to start a Gaia project instead of using them to gain a tech tile?
Example: Given a Gaia project which requires 6 power tokens...Shove two power tokens into Gaia area as a result of a split, then move four more tokens into Gaia area as a regular Gaia action and start a new Gaia project.
My best opponent and I are locking horns on this issue...need your guidance!
Example: Given a Gaia project which requires 6 power tokens...Shove two power tokens into Gaia area as a result of a split, then move four more tokens into Gaia area as a regular Gaia action and start a new Gaia project.
My best opponent and I are locking horns on this issue...need your guidance!
Other excellent answers have already been given, but to address specifically what you appear to be asking - no, you can't. If you are at level 1 or 2 of the Gaia Project track - the "6 token" level - this means that you can only start a Gaia Project by moving 6 tokens, as a single action, into your Gaia area. It doesn't matter if you have any there already (eg. from previous Gaia projects that round, as well as of cousre from Itars' special ability as under discussion here). What counts is the number you are moving at that moment, not how many are in the Gaia bowl in total.
Thank you Robin! Totally clear now :)