by VinegarBob
I don't like when games tell me what to do. I'd rather decide for myself. Maybe I end up doing similar things in some of the games, but that would be my choice. If I want to try new strategies I can - I don't need the game to force me to do so. The problem I have with AFfO is that if I keep randomly drawing say spears I kind of have to go whaling, or ignore the weapons. Maybe I want to do something else, but I can't because I don't have the proper equipment. And then I draw an occupation card that helps with whaling <sigh>. At that point I feel the game is 'playing me'. I don't enjoy that.Ranior wrote:
...And sure, some players might have a bit easier time of it due to their weapon cards and occupation cards fitting a strategy a bit better...
Yeah, that really bugs me.
I use this variant when I play AFfO:
It's not perfect, but it's better than the rules as written imo. And I play with the B deck so as to avoid the Refugee Helper card - emigration's powerful enough without that madness!
I'd prefer players to be able to just choose whichever weapon they want when it domes time to draw them, but I suspect that wouldn't work - my assumption is that swords are more often preferable in the grand scheme of things, so I don't tend to mess with the weapons. I like tinkering with games to suit my preferences, but I don't really want to break anything.