by mccrispy
So nobody keeps track of which Cities have been drawn from the Infection Deck and monitors the risk of Outbreaks or when you've gone *deeper* than the last Concentration step; nobody keeps track of the Player cards that have been discarded - both for numbers of a colour and to know which Cities could be available for Transport or Building; you're all just flipping cards and reacting, with no attempt to plan using the information that is both (1) available and (2) usable within RAW? Wow! I prefer to adjust my win rate by increasing the game's difficulty settings that are are part of RAW, rather than use self-imposed handicaps that are not. :D(I'll bet a significant proportion of you do all the same things as me, but apply a degree "fog" to the knowledge that depends on your experience with the game, your memory and your intuition. I merely explicitly remove that fog to eliminate handicaps of poor memory and low intuition ;)