by squegeeboo
Matt620 wrote:
Perhaps we were lucky to get 984. I have no idea, we played when it came out. We were pretty careful about protecting cities. We didn't do much in terms of character upgrades (we were worried characters would die). We were also pretty good about destroying the infection cards with the Scientist's ability: We removed Africa and the Middle East's cards with her abilities, as well as out of the way places like Mexico City. Not only did we never need to put Supply Cubes there, but we could avoid places entirely. That saved on a lot of trouble.
These are the parts that are lucky, you need those cards in the infection discard to be able to destroy. You need the cards to be in the discard, and you need the scientist to be in position to destroy them. It's doable, but things like an epidemic hitting (shuffling them out of the discard), or being in the wrong place, or larger issues that require you to move to help out, make wiping out entire sections very luck dependent.