by fredd13
The Infection DeckLike many people I did something similar, but with a spreadsheet to keep it tidy - my handwriting's appalling, and trying to do it freehand was just one horrible mess.
I didn't do anything sophisticated on that sheet; just one line per card, and one empty column per epidemic, plus 1 for the "no epidemics yet" status. Cell borders marked for printing to keep everything tidy. Check the first empty column as infections come out; when an Epidemic comes out, make a final mark for the Infect card, then rule a visible line to the right of column and start in the next one.
As an observation - other people's mileage may differ, but I found ruling the line absolutely vital in making sure I checked off the correct column every time, and also the correct cards when multiple ones for a particular city were appearing.
Later on I split the sheet into more than one page, and started moving some of the cards to the second page of the sheet, for reasons that made game sense (such as Infection cards removed via "Lockdown"). I also ended up (at my wife's instigation) making a linked sheet to help us keep track of useful information regarding the Player deck.
The Player Deck
Here, again, we stole shamelessly from others - when adding Epidemics, we stacked alternate piles at right-angles. We also fed individual piles onto the Player deck space only as they became needed. I found it very easy to glance at the Player deck space and gauge, to within a card, how many cards were left before the next pile would come into play.