by backslash0
I think what he/she means here is that they have analyzed various parths in their mind (as opposed to on paper) and come to the conclusion of what works and what doesn't. And it seems that you actually have learned the lesson of what works (diversify). It's because when you're playing against people, as opposed to a board or just cards, they can react, see that you're choosing food every turn and behave accordingly. For you to continue down the path of trying to specialize in something (which you can do, but only through the sacrifices to other areas) isn't the way to victory. This probably has to do with the fact that there's no trade in this game (it sounds like if there was, it might help solve your problem). For the bad things card there's 2 full turns to prep. That should be plenty of time. Your goal is not to become rich or have the most monsters: its to have the most successful dungeon.↧