by Seanmyles
Going very well with Pandemic & Brink; the family - wife and daughters enjoy it.Played 4 games using 4 epidemic cards, open choose from base & expansion roles and played from base & expansion special events.
Game 1: lost early as Red chain out-breaked and exhausted cube supply
Game 2: lost running out of player cards; only one cure inplace
Game 3: had 3 cures and lost in race against outbreak meter
Game 4: won with 3 player cards remaining; outbreak meter at 5
They are split on trying 5 epidemic for the next game so I think I will just shuffle in the Virulent epidemic cards, play 4 and let them be be surprised when they see the rust color epidemic get turned over - should be good shock factor.
Haven't played solo yet will during the upcoming holidays; will also probably try the BioTerrorist with family after several more plays.
Great game for us - nice flavor change from competitive games.