k0w0k wrote:
Outside of the board gaming world, highest ranking number is most often associated with "smallest number", example, 1 is ranked higher than 10 in a scale of 1 to 10. We play with this in mind, which kind of makes since if you look at the cards, the weaker cards have the higher rank, smaller number, because it gives the player another incentive to play the smaller strength cards.
Unless told different by the designer, that is how we play. Hope that helps.
Unless told different by the designer, that is how we play. Hope that helps.
Exactly. You restate why there is confusion perfectly. My own opinion is that "higher" means just that--whichever clan has the highest printed number from 1-100 on the table allows the owner to take the first supporter. Our diametrically opposing interpretation of this simple rule is why the word choice is probably a poor one :D
I did a search, and didn't see anyone address how to interpret "higher" in the rules forums. I thought, "maybe because it is dumb obvious and I am over thinking it?" Well, obviously, it is not obvious. :)