ekted wrote:
montu wrote:
In the new edition, advancing tracks with money is also a card action (i.e. it doesn't use an action)...
Seems too powerful for a random card. I haven't liked the sound of any of the changes I've heard about in the new edition.
The free advance for money card is not really so powerful. It costs 6 x (Row-1) Ducats, so 6, 12, 18 or 24 to advance to rows 2-5 respectively. 6 Ducats to advance to the second row is no deal. It is just 1VP. You can often buy the Little Mission (2VPs) for as much. A similar analysis applies to 12 Ducats to get to the third row (3VPs, net of 2). Advancing to one of the last two rows is quite powerful. However you are talking about 1.5 to 2 times the maximum taxation amount. You have to be pretty lucky to get draw the card in question and have that kind of cash on hand. If you have to tax twice to use the card, then the fact that it is a free action makes it no more powerful than advance sans ships or sans spices. And God forbid you should buy nothing at auction to increase your money pile just to use this card!