by galathonredd
cdippel71 wrote:
I'm not defending the game, but I think this response is EXACTLY what he was looking for, and he's sitting back with the biggest bowl of popcorn.
...or he might just be expressing his very strong opinion about a game that really annoyed him, just the same as you or I or anyone have that right to express our own opinions in whatever tone conveys them best. He didn't just dislike Agricola - like my buddy James, he HATED it, and wanted others to know why. That alone doesn't make him a troll. And perhaps if James had read a review like this one before trying his hand at my copy, I wouldn't have had to listen to him rant and rave for hours about how shitty he thinks this game is - he was that annoyed with it.
No doubt, there are people that will benefit from this review. Maybe not you or me, but Agricola, like all games, is not for everyone, no matter how good it is to how many people, and those people need reviews like this to help them discern why this one is not for them.