by seasnake
Just picked this game up and a full review coming. Played it four times now, three times with just my wife.To the folks bashing the Ops Expert remember that 1) you can build new camps throughout the game (you move an older one) and 2) mobility is everything if you don't have a medic (only had Medic one time in one of the games).
Because you can't afford to burn up cure cards for travel purposes (at least not too often) the ability to build camps means you can cure diseases at their crisis centers and start eradicating hotspots immediately. This is literally how we won the only two-player game we won: My wife was the scientist, we were 1 outbreak and 2 cards away from losing, I cashed a card to travel to where she was containing some yellow fever, cleaned out one spot that was a potential outbreak, moved once more and built a camp immediately. Drew the last two player cards, no more epidemics thankfully! Drew the infection cards and one of them was the city I had reduced, so no outbreak! We were on our last turn then, if my wife couldn't cure the Yellow Fever before having to draw we would lose ... my wife moved three times to our new campe and found the cure! Hooray!
The moral: Don't bash the Ops Expert, he does heroe's work.