by Trevin
In my trial run of the first scenario, I explored a tile which gave me a "+ Palisade", but at that point I had not yet built a Shelter. What happens?A) The Discovery must be discarded with no effect
B) The Discovery remains in the Available Resources space until I have built a Shelter, at which point I can turn that token in to set my palisade to 1
C) The Discovery remains in the Available Resources space until I have built a Shelter, but then I have to take another Build action to build up the Palisade, at which point the Discovery is spent instead of wood or furs
I'm likewise unclear on how to use most of the other Discovery tokens (+ Weapon, draw Treasure, get wood, get food, heal, etc.) — must they be used immediately when they move from Future Resources to Available Resources, or do they require an Action to use them, and if so which Action is required?