by chainsaw_ash
hiwe have been playing this awsome game for about 6 months now and we have until this week, been playing it so that you can (providing you have enough food) play all your occupations at once, when you place a worker on the space.
That is for example, if I managed to get 6 food, I could play all 7 occupations out at once.
This week, one of our group said he had been reading an online play session and the players kept saying they played 1 occupation at a time.
He said when he asked why they did this, he was told that this is actually the correct rule. You can only play 1 occupation at a time.
We tried this and to me it didn't seem as enjoyable an experience, the game seemed slower paced and a large part of the game ie the cards seemd to lose their importance as you were never really going to play more than a couple of occupations I just wanted to check is this correct?
Is the correct ruling the only 1 occupation at a time?