by urweak
I understand now about the Event cards. Its just once per round. The way I typed it made it way more confusing then it needed to be. I just meant that at the start of a round, a new player draws an event card, but it really doesnt matter who draws the event card. I just say it that way, so everyone gets a chance to draw and read the event card aloud.Woelf wrote:
Granted, if the ship is already on the board and you draw a new one that replaces it you'll have to use the card to show where it's going.
If say a French ship is already on the board and a card is draw that would replace the previous French card. Does the ship move to that new sea zone, or stay where it is (unless the card shows a N, E, W, S movement. Although I dont think a card like that exists, that would both place a French ship and give it movement.)