by brerlapine
Additionally, I really enjoy dragon's ramping character Smugglers (if a character you control dies turn and gain a power). This really combos well with all things dragon.Dirk Wesley's Gambit (if attack is successful gain two power) with Jane Q. Public (if intercepted or killed by an event gain two power) says that either way you will gain two power. And then if she dies you Smuggle... well all the better.
Already if you got to play those four cards (any 1 cost foundation, Smuggler, Jane Q Public, and Dirk Wesley's Gambit. Costing a total of four power) you have 4 dragon resources in your pool. All you need is two more for We Got The Funk (an edge that states that when you get six dragon resources, unturn and gain three power. Tap and smoke to search your deck for any unique character). And your well on your way.