by blindsorrow
caadamec wrote:
blindsorrow wrote:
So, the cubes aren't stained, sealed, and tumbled like most other German wood?
The superiority of German wood is most exaggerated.
You're right; American wood can be German wood's equal, you just don't see it often, especially these days. Just look at Scrabble's letter tile sets (which I think were made in the USA until recently), Settlers of Catan (still made in the States), and the pieces from Bottle Topps, for instance. Jackpot Yahtzee has wonderful custom wooden embossed dice from the USA. They're not as elaboratly shaped as some meeples, but the finishing is great.
But, for some reason, the Germans do exquisite wood parts, and even US toy companies have been using them for decades. For example, the in older versions of Boggle (70s and 80s), the cubes were made in Germany. Even the pawns from the People Magazine game (1984) and Inside Moves (1985) were made in Germany. Somehow, the German manufacturers had a knack for wooden components, and maybe (at a time) did it for less money, too.
I always notice the difference in quality, and if I'm spending $35 for a few sheets of cardboard and a bag of wood, the components better be of the best quality.