by ad_hoc
Here is a link to a ranking of cards from the E I K G and Wm decks in 4 player games.The data used comes from the play-agricola website. PWR above 6.0 is considered broken though I am of the opinion that Chamberlain and Job Seeker are a little too good.
Manservant comes in at #319 of 536 cards. He is played 38.6% of the time and wins 33.7% of the time when played (average is 27% b/c ties are wins). His draft position is 4.34 which means he gets drafted as the 4th or 5th card most of the time.
319 manservant - 4.34 - Plays (913 / 2364 = 38.6%) - Wins (307 / 911 = 33.7%) - (43.8) - (2.2) - PWR = 1.9
Basically, he is decent if you can get him out, but more than half the time the player finds that they can't get him out in time. He is good I think when combined with other stone house occs like the Plow Driver (plow 1 field every round for 1f once in a stone house).
Conservator is a bit better at #153 but not broken.
153 conservator - 3.30 - Plays (1638 / 2333 = 70.2%) - Wins (491 / 1637 = 30%) - (41.8) - (2.4) - PWR = 3.0