by korek
Hi,Maybe this was clarified earlier on the Forum, but I have scanned Rules threads and could not find anything on the subject....
I have doubts in fitting these two special traits in game order. The general rule (page 8) says: "(In his battle turn) Active player must spend one or more Order Tokens to perform ONE Action with ONE of his Units" . One of those available actions is to activate Special Traits (by using order/s). Fine.
Excite Trait says: "When issuing an order of Charge, Carry on engagement or Shoot to one of Your units, also issue an order to this unit to get 1 further die in engagement or shooting". First question - when these Charge etc. action should be performed? In the same turn when Excite was activated, or in the next turn of the same player? Second - shoud I use 1 or 2 order tokens for a charge (one token for a charge and another one to get further die?
Maybe I set it a bit unclear, see the example. Assume that no orders were issued so far by Player B
Turn 2(not first, we want to use special traits).
Active Player B uses his first order on Shaman to activate Excite. Is he allowed to issue Charge order NOW, in turn 2 on other unit? Or maybe only in Turn 4 can Player B issue a Charge order on Unit and use Excite?
Either on turn 2 or 4, how many orders will be required to use Excite? One or one (for charge) plus one (to get 1 further die)?
Case with Galvanize is similar - pay order and use special trait AND at the same rund issue Charge order to the other unit (next order token) plus next order token to get Overwhelming?
Thanks in advance.