by Limitless333
Example of how 4 factions can do strong round 1 openings.Factions
Note: the below example does not represent optimal play, but a way for all factions to do what I consider to be standard openings. Other openings were certainly possible. I did not have to upgrade terraforming or take the Ore and QIC tech tile. The Bescods had to get a lot of power charge to avoid having to take one of these tiles, but they knew well in advance. My girlfriend and I simply choose a random setup each played a normal round 1.
Player Order: Nevlas: 1 HH: 2 Gleens: 3 Bescods: 4
Desired Openings
Nevlas RL+TS+2M
Gleens: RL+4M
Bescods 2RL
Starting Bonuses
Nevlas: Terraforming + 2c
HH: Nav +3 +2p
Gleens: M score + Ore
Bescods: Ore+Knowledge
Starting Resources:
Nevlas: O:7, C:17, P I:2 II:4, QIC:1
HH: O:7, C:18, P I:0 II:2, QIC:1
Gleens: O:9, C:15, P I:2 II:4
Bescods: O:8, C:15, P: I:2 II:4
What they did.
Nevlas took 2 ore power action. With their 9 ore they built a RL O:6 Coins:10 and a TS: O:3 C:5. The planets they took were a white planet within range 3 with the QIC and an adjacent blue planet with the free terraform action.
HH: Took power action terraform turned QIC into ore. With their 9 ore they built a RL O:6 Coins:10 and a TS: O:3 C:5. The planets they took were the adjacent Orange planet with terraform power action and a Red planet with range of free temporary navigation.
Gleens: Took 1 ore using 3 power. With their initial knowledge they went to Nav2. They used their 10 ore to build a RL O:6 Coins:10 and 2M O:2 C:4. The planets they took were 1 yellow and 2 gaias using their remaining 2 Ore.
Bescods: Turned 6 power into 2 Ore and burned 1 power to get the additional coin to build 2RL O:10 C:16. They went up 3 times on Science for 3 of the required power charge. They needed no additional planets.