by Ullianov
DocCool wrote:
Gaia projects require an immense amount of energy at once (hence the need for several batteries in the Gaia bowl - the number of batteries depend on how advanced your Gaia technology is), but these batteries don't need to be pre-loaded as the Gaiaforming process takes long enough so that the Gaiaformer can charge the batteries before using the energy. Once the Gaiaformer has done it's thing, the batteries (now of course empty) return to your supply. Terrans somehow found a way which makes their batteries return half-loaded (and don't even get me started about what their PI does with those returned batteries ;)).
Oh! Actually Terran's planetary institute uncovers some misteries of transdim planets! As a result they can salvage some resources when gaiaforming then, and these are returned with the half-loaded batteries!