by MountainRoot
Page 14One token only
On each Island tile/space, Action field or Weather or Night
space etc. there can only be one token of each type located
For example:
- if there’s already a Reroll token on the Building Action eld and
another card eect tells you to put a Reroll token on the Building
Action eld then you ignore it, because there can’t be two of the
same tokens on the same eld;
- if there’s a +1 food token on an Island tile, you can’t place another
token of the same type on the same Island tile, etc.
In such cases, it doesn’t mean that players can’t fulll game’s demand
- the demand is already fullled and players don’t get any
On each Island tile/space, Action field or Weather or Night
space etc. there can only be one token of each type located
For example:
- if there’s already a Reroll token on the Building Action eld and
another card eect tells you to put a Reroll token on the Building
Action eld then you ignore it, because there can’t be two of the
same tokens on the same eld;
- if there’s a +1 food token on an Island tile, you can’t place another
token of the same type on the same Island tile, etc.
In such cases, it doesn’t mean that players can’t fulll game’s demand
- the demand is already fullled and players don’t get any
How many types are there?
Is the +1 food the same type as +1 wood??? or it just mean that you can't have 2 +1 food tokens on a tile?
Basically all the tiles are only one time in the components except the +1 wood. the +1 food and the -1 worker.
So can i have at my tile where i have my shelter a +1 food token, a +1 wood token,