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Thread: Neuroshima Hex!:: Variants:: ARMY IDEA: Doom


by peterpotamus

I used to play Neuroshima Hex a lot last year, and I had quite a few custom army ideas, most of which I didn't go further than the theoretical stage with. I will post some of them today, each in a separate thread. As you will see, they're mostly pretty wonky, so I am only posting them for their speculative value; it would take extensive re-writes and playtesting to make them workable. Some of them, like the nids one, are hilariously op. Anyway, the format is:
quantity initiative SOLDIER TILE NAME properties
quantity MODULE TILE function
quantity FOUNDATION TILE NAME properties
quantity ACTION TILE NAME function
HQ NAME properties

This one is based on the deamons in Doom. It doesn't have any synergy, I went for quantity over quality with it- it has way too many soldier tiles, and is pretty hard to crack. As a design idea, I would suggest the back of each tile to have a picture of a summoning cube like the ones produced by the Icon of Sin. The Icon of Sin should itself have Romero's bloody head on the back of the tile.
Army special rules:
-Plasma. Plasma attacks are regular ranged attacks, but they never hit enemies with the Mobility property, and instead continue traveling to hit something behind it. Additionally, they don't cross through the player's own units- if they hit one, they don't deal damage, but simply dissipate.
-Champion of Hell. Units with this property are immune to pushing, grabbing, and instant actions tiles such as Snipe, Grenade, etc. Air strike may still be called onto them or an a space adjacent to them, but it will not damage them.

x2 1 CHAINGUNNER. Gun on two sides
x2 2 IMP. Plasma
x2 2 DEMON. Melee
x1 4 SPECTRE. Melee
x3 1 CACODEMON. Plasma, mobility
x2 2 HELL KNIGHT. Melee x2 and plasma on the same side
x1 2 BARON OF HELL. Melee x2 and plasma on the same side, tough
x2 3 REVENANT. Melee on two sides, rocket x1 (same as NY)
x1 1 MANCUBUS. Gun x2 on two sides, tough
x1 2 ARACHNOTRON. Gun x2, fires at initiative phases 2 and 1, tough
x1 1 PAIN ELEMENTAL. Mobility, gun. During battle, if its ranged attack destroys a unit, one adjacent enemy unit receives a wound. The same occurs whenever the Pain Elemental is destroyed- one adjacent enemy takes a wound. The target is selected by the Doom player in either case, and HQs are immune to it. This rule aims to represent the Lost Soul flying around and biting stuff.
x1 0 ARCHVILE. Tough, mobility, gun x3. Has a connection arrow on one side- the connected friendly unit may not be destroyed by any enemy attacks during battle. If said unit is hit by something that can kill it, the Archvile revives it (as many times during the battle as necessary), but it does not fire with its own ranged attack at initive 0.
x1 1 CYBERDEMON. Gun x4, tough x2, champion of hell
x1 2 SPIDERDEMON. Gun, tough x2, champion of hell, fires at initiative rounds 2, 1 and 0.
x1 WARP OUT (one friendly unit may be removed from the board and placed on top of the player's pile)
HQ: Icon of Sin. It reduces melee damage taken by itself by 1 (basically armor on all sides, but it works against melee attacks instead of ranged ones); cannot move or be moved, and doesn't attack or provide bonuses.

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