by Torala
Hey guys,I'm not a professional painter (I wouldnt even consider me a real painter at all ) and had some mild success with previous games of mine.
I started painting for the game Earth Reborn. It turned out okay, since I never done anything like that before:
After that I tried myself on some Zombies for Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game, but never got around to finishing it.
Then I painted the ships for Merchants & Marauders:
Since Clash of Cultures has hundreds of miniatures I dont want to spend forever to paint these.
Thats why (and the fact that I didnt paint anything since Merchants and Marauders released) I decided to do it really quick and dirty.
The hardest thing was to decide if I wanted to paint the base (streets) or the buildings in the player color.
After considering to try out both options out at first, I then decided to paint the buildings in player-color. I like the pattern of the street and wanted to be it in one color so it would seem more like a whole city. Also the buildings in player-color stand out more.
I'm okay with how it turned out:
As always you can see more details in the close up pictures than you would while playing the game. There are some red corners here and there in the pictures which I didnt notice while looking at the real pieces. I feel no need to fix these parts.
Here are two more pictures of the process (the small buildings are a pain to paint... always fell of the underground
Painting the grey street-style:
I finished all red settlements (because I wanted to do the small buildings all at once) and one red city piece each (to be able to see the whole picture).
I'm still uncertain if I want to finish all of the red pieces now or just to the buildings (and leave out units) of all players/barbarians.
Hope you like it. If you want to know more about my quick and dirty process let me know